About Us

Welcome to Hotel Staffing Solution Hire Right the First Time

At Preferred Staff, we understand the critical role that exceptional staffing plays in delivering unparalleled guest experiences in the hospitality industry. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and personalized service, we are your trusted partner in providing top-tier staffing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your hotel or resort!

Our Mission

To deliver the best service in the industry, with the best people, through best practices.  Preferred Staff defines the industry by setting the standard for the highest service levels.  We take personal and professional interest in both our customers and our associates. Expect the best when your partner with us.

We provide first-rate customer service

We currently have numerous job opportunities available. As specialists in staffing, we are trusted by companies to source reliable personnel, and that could be you!

Our first rate staff

Whether you seek a job in a hotel or warehouse, let us place you in the
We can assist you with the job that is best for you. !

We take pride in being a company that is owned by women and minorities.


    Better yet, see us in person

    We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.

    Customer Service
    Preferred Staff

    8585 N Stemmons Fwy 310 s, Dallas, TX 75247, USA

    Opening Hours

    Monday - Friday (09.00 am - 04:30 pm)

    Saturday & Sunday ( Closed )